Negar Ghezel Sefloo
Negar Ghezel Sefloo has been a post-doc researcher in the team of Prof. Dr Maria Bertel as part of the EC² project since 1 December 2022. She has been working at the Department of Public Law and Political Science at the University of Graz since 2021. Initially, she worked in the team of Prof. Dr Iris Eisenberger, M.Sc. (LSE), as part of an interdisciplinary research project dealing with the regulation of sustainable organic agriculture using new technologies. She then worked at ClimLaw: Graz (Research Centre for Climate Protection Law). Negar Ghezel Sefloo's research interests lie at the interface between natural sciences and law, with a particular focus on energy communities and the regulation of sustainable agriculture and smart farming.

Selected publications
- Ghezel Sefloo, N. (2023): Report on the workshop "Toxic trade and toxic legacies - The cases of Brazil and Vietnam". Sustainability Law. 3: 253-254.
- Ghezel Sefloo, N. (2023): Policy Brief 3 "How to mainstream energy citizenship at the national level - Focus on improving legal frameworks (and public understanding thereof)".
- Bertel, M.; Botha, D.; Rozwadowska, M.; Ryszawska, B.; Ghezel Sefloo, N.; Szymański, P. (2023). Policy Brief 2 "How to mainstream energy citizenship in EU laws & tools - Adapting EU regulations to best guide and support member states in furthering energy communities & energy citizenship".
- Ghezel Sefloo, N.Steinkellner, S.; Hage-Ahmed, K. (2021): The bioprotective effect of root endophytic Serendipita herbamans against Fusarium wilt in tomato and its impact on root traits are determined by temperature. Rhizosphere. 20: 100453.
- Ghezel Sefloo, N.Wieczorek, K.; Steinkellner, S.; Hage-Ahmed, K. (2019): Serendipita Species Trigger Cultivar-Specific responses to Fusarium Wilt in Tomato. Agronomy. 595: 2-17.
To the complete publication list in the research portal of the University of Graz.
Selected projects
"EC² (Energy Citizenship and Energy Communities for a clean-Energy Transition)"