Anja Krasser
Anja Krasser is a research assistant at the Department of Public Law and Political Science. She joined Prof. Bezemek's department as a student research assistant during her studies and gladly returned to the department after graduation. Her research interests are diverse, ranging from environmental law, which she pursued both as a student research assistant at the University of Graz and as a project assistant at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, to medical law. In this context, she completed a Master's degree in Medical Law and Ethics (LL.M. in Medical Law and Ethics) in Edinburgh. However, her work always focuses on the connection to public law, in particular constitutional law. In her dissertation, Anja Krasser continues this interdisciplinary approach by linking constitutional law with criminal law. Her focus here is on the development and constitutional framework of retribution as a punishment goal.

Selected publications
- Graber, Florian; Kallinger, Maximilian; Krasser, Anja; Sterniste, Markus (eds.): Einführung in das Umweltrecht. Vienna. Verlag Österreich. 2022.
- Krasser, Anja: Compulsory Vaccination in a Fundamental Rights Perspective: Lessons from the ECtHR. In: ICL Journal - Vienna Journal on International Constitutional Law. 15,2. 2021. 207-233. doi:10.1515/icl-2021-0010
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