Head of Research Area Matthias Lukan
Matthias Lukan is a university professor of public law specialising in administrative law. His research activities span administrative law, constitutional law and European law. His focus is on state and in particular administrative organisation, fundamental rights and constitutional jurisdiction. In the area of special administrative law, Matthias Lukan deals with issues such as hospital law, subsidy administration and building law. His research activities are embedded in European and international contexts.
Matthias Lukan was awarded a teaching licence (venia docendi) for the subjects "Public Law" and "European Law" at the Vienna University of Economics and Business in September 2022. From October 2022 to September 2023, he worked at the Constitutional Court as a constitutional law clerk. He has been a professor at the University of Graz since October 2023.

Curriculum Vitae
Here you can find information about the CV
- Legal requirements for dealing with scarce treatment capacities in hospitals, ZfV 2023, 194-205.
- A "modern" right to a statutory judge as a response to threats to the rule of law in the European Union, JRP 2022, 330-341.
- Constitutional jurisdiction in Serbia - development, competences and organisation, ZÖR 2019, 203-266
- The Creation of Administrative Bodies (2018) I-XVIII, 1-339.
- Commentary on Art 11 para 2 B-VG, in Kneihs/Lienbacher (eds.), Rill-Schäffer Kommentar Bundesverfassungsrecht (19th edition 2017) 1-60.
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