Anna Zeller
Anna Zeller completed her law degree at the end of 2022 and has since worked as a university assistant praedoc at the Department of Public Law and Political Science at the University of Graz. During her studies, she completed an internship abroad at the WKO in Riga and gained valuable experience as an intern in numerous renowned law firms.
Anna Zeller is currently writing her dissertation on special regulation for the development of new hydrogen infrastructures. In addition to administrative and constitutional law, her research focuses in particular on the field of energy law. Her thesis, in which she deals with the independence of the energy regulatory authority, was also awarded the Linda Rauter Prize 2023.

Selected publications
Zeller, Compensation payment for the closure of a coal-fired power plant as possible (inadmissible) aid, Nachhaltigkeitsrecht 3 (2023) 191.
Zeller, Die Unabhängigkeit der Energieregulierungsbehörde im Kontext der Entgelttarifierung, In: Doralt/De Wet/Garber/Gragl/Robertson/Schütz/Wendland (eds.): Beiträge zu Rechtsvergleichung und Europa 2024 (2024) 173. MANZ Verlag
To the complete list of publications in the research portal of the University of Graz.