Matthias Zußner
Matthias Zußner was born in Leoben in 1990. He completed his diploma (2009-2014) and doctoral studies (2014-2017) in law at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz. He then worked as a university assistant postdoc at the Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt (2017-2019) and at WU Vienna (2019-2022). From 08-09/2018 he was a research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law. Since the end of 2022, Matthias Zußner has been working as a university assistant postdoc at the Department of Public Law and Political Science. He is currently completing his habilitation thesis on "Competition of Algorithms - Digital Control Technology as an Opportunity for State and Law". In addition to European digital law, Matthias Zußner's research focuses primarily on fundamental rights, constitutional organisation law and (general) administrative law. His research work has been honoured several times (selection): Förderpreis der Juristischen Blätter (2014), Josef-Krainer-Förderungspreis in the field of law (2018), Habilitation grant from the Heinrich-Graf-Hardegg'sche Stiftung (2021).

Selected publications
- The key role of cultural diversity in the EU's Digital Strategy for the Internal Market, in: Schoenmaekers/Psychogiopoulou (eds.): European Union economic law and culture: Towards a European culturally corrected market economy?, (forthcoming, 2024), Edwar Elgar
- Art 14 StGG (Freedom of belief and conscience), in: Kneihs/Lienbacher (eds.), Rill-Schäffer-Kommentar zum Bundesverfassungsrecht (30th ed. 2023), 67 printed pages.
- Biometric remote identification, in: Chan/Ennuschat/Lee/Lin/Storr (eds.), Artificial Intelligence and Public Commercial Law (2022), pp. 87-115, Nomos Verlag
- The participation of the social partners in state enforcement, in Baumgartner (ed.), Jahrbuch für Öffentliches Recht 2022 (2022), pp. 81-100, NWV Verlag
- Discretion in the sense of the law. Basic questions of an Austrian discretionary dogmatics after the entry into force of the Administrative Jurisdiction Amendment 2012, Schriften zum österreichischen und europäischen öffentlichen Recht, Vol. 15, Verlag Österreich 2017, 223 pp. and XVI sheets (publication form of the dissertation)
To the complete list of publications in the research portal of the University of Graz.