Alexander Hilgartner
Since the beginning of May 2024, Alexander Hilgartner has been employed as a research assistant by Univ.-Prof. DDr. Dr. h.c. Bernd Wieser as a temporary replacement for Dr Bruneder. In addition to his law studies, he worked at his parents' East Tyrolean newspaper company and in a law firm in Lienz. He spent a semester abroad at the University of Oklahoma in the USA in the winter semester 2021/22 and successfully completed his studies in July 2022.
He is currently in the last semester of the new Master's programme LL.M. Law, Business and Society. In addition to his academic work with Univ.-Prof. DDr. Dr. h.c. Bernd Wieser, he is working on his Master's thesis on the topic of "The new Freedom of Information Act".