Antonia Bruneder
Dr Antonia Bruneder, BA has been working as a research assistant for Professor DDr Dr h.c. Bernd Wieser since 2020. Her research focuses on the various administrative and constitutional aspects of art law (especially music law) as well as comparative constitutional law. In the course of her dissertation, she analysed the challenges of the fundamental right to artistic freedom from an interdisciplinary musicological and legal perspective using the example of German-language gangsta rap.
Currently on leave

Selected publications
- Bruneder, Artistic Freedom and Gangsta Rap. An analysis of the fundamental right to artistic freedom using the example of German-language gangsta rap. Vienna. Verlag Österreich. 2023.
- Stolz/Bruneder, Protection of the townscape and preservation of old towns in: Poier/Wieser (eds.), Steiermärkisches Landesrecht Vol. III (2023), 369.
- Bruneder, Die grundrechtliche "Lehrfreiheit" in der Schule, Schule und Recht 2023, 6.
- Bruneder, Die rechtliche Einordnung von Musikschulen in der Steiermark, Schule und Recht 2022, 45.
- Bruneder, The freedom of art under Art 10 ECHR and Art 17a StGG in the case law of the supreme courts, JRP 2022, 63.
To the complete list of publications in the research portal of the University of Graz.