Head of Research Team Bernd Wieser
Prof Wieser has been part of the Department of Public Law and Political Science at the University of Graz since 1988, starting with his time as an assistant. He was appointed university professor in 2010. His research focusses on Austrian constitutional and administrative law as well as comparative constitutional law. He pays particular attention to the geographical East, which is not least due to his leading position at the Centre for Eastern European Law. Prof Wieser has been involved in the faculty as Vice Dean of Studies for many years.
Apart from the aforementioned fields of research, Prof. Wieser is also often to be found - both in an active and passive role - on the country's football pitches. He is co-founder, captain and driving force of the faculty football team (see in detail: https://oeffentliches-recht.uni-graz.at/de/ueber-das-institut/arbeitsbereich-wieser/bernd-wieser/fakultaetsteam/).

Curriculum Vitae
Here you can find information about the CV
- Wieser, Introduction to Constitutional and Administrative Law 5th ed (2024)
- Wieser, Comparative Constitutional Law 3rd ed (2024)
- Wieser/Stolz (eds.), European Constitutions 2nd ed. (2023)
- Poier/Wieser (ed.), Steiermärkisches Landesrecht Vol. 1-3 2nd ed. (2023)
- Wieser, Handbook of the Russian Constitution (2014) incl. supplementary volume on the 2020 amendment (2022)
- Wieser, Comparative Constitutional Law 2nd ed. ed (2020)
- Wieser, § 1 ParteienG, in: Korinek/Holoubek et al (eds.), Austrian Federal Constitutional Law (2002)
- Wieser, The State Secretary. An investigation into the type of organ of the political ministerial assistant (1997)
To the complete list of publications in the research portal of the University of Graz or to a list in PDF format