Matthias Fritz
Univ.-Ass. Matthias Fritz has been a research associate at the Department of Public Law and Political Science since November 2022. Here he works in the team of Univ.-Prof. DDr. Dr. h.c. Bernd Wieser. His research focuses on constitutional law, administrative law, environmental law and legal history. He is currently writing his dissertation on combating organised extremism.
After completing his studies, he completed his court clerkship in the district of the Higher Regional Court of Graz.

Selected publications
- Fritz, Stalking within the school, Schule und Recht (2023), 9
- Fritz, EC type approval with prohibited defeat devices for vehicles: ECJ strengthens the legal standing of environmental protection organisations, Nachhaltigkeitsrecht (2023), 332
To the complete list of publications in the research portal of the University of Graz.