Maximilian Zankel
Maximilian Zankel has been a research assistant in the research team of Prof. DDr Dr h.c. Bernd Wieser since March 2021. Immediately before starting his position, he completed his law degree at the University of Graz. Parallel to his studies, he worked in a law firm in Graz as well as at the Department of Civil Law, Foreign and International Private Law and at the IDepartment of Public Law and Political Science as a student assistant.
His research focusses in particular on the interface between public law and civil law. He is currently working on his dissertation on the civil liability of supreme administrative bodies. Apart from this, he acts as an assistant to Team REWI captain Prof. Wieser and organises various football events, such as the "Teachers versus Students" match and the "Barefoot World Cup".

Selected publications
- Hofstätter/Stolz/Zankel, The Organisation of the City of Graz, in Wieser/Poier, Steiermärkisches Landesrecht (2023) 151
- Zankel, Official liability in school education S&R 2023, 32.
- Zankel, The termination of office of municipal bodies in Styria RFG 2022, 28
- Joham/Zankel, Die Impfstrafverfügung und das Verbot der reformatio in peius, in Baumgartner, Jahrbuch Öffentliches Recht 2022 (2022), 49.
To the complete list of publications in the research portal of the University of Graz.