The questions that move us...
The research activities at the Department of Public Law and Political Science cover a broad spectrum: On the one hand, it encompasses classical legal dogmatics in Austrian constitutional and administrative law, but on the other hand it is also dedicated to neighbouring sciences and related non-Austrian phenomena. In accordance with the practice of the subjects represented, individual research dominates at the Institute. We consider a certain minimum breadth of research areas to be important and a reduction to merely focussed research to be inappropriate. With regard to a stronger bundling of individual research, however, we also developed four research specialisations for the Institute after intensive discussion at the beginning of 2010.

ClimLaw: Graz is a research centre for climate change law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Graz. It is part of the interdisciplinary profile area "Climate Change Graz" at the University of Graz, an association of researchers who conduct research and share their knowledge in the fields of climate change and sustainability.
The Centre for Austrian and European Higher Education Law and Higher Education Governance - Centre for Higher Education Law and Higher Education Governance (ZHR) - is an interdisciplinary research centre at the Faculty of Law of the University of Graz.